Main Street Tax Credit Program

The Washington Main Street Tax Credit Program is good for your business and great for Coupeville.

If you pay B&O taxes on your business anywhere in Washington State, you are eligible to receive 75% of that money back in the form of tax credits by participating in the Main Street Tax Credit Program (MSTCP). This means you can keep your tax dollars in Coupeville instead of a general fund in Olympia!

CHWA is one of 37 organizations eligible for the Washington Main Street Tax Credit Program. The MSTCP is CHWA’s biggest fundraiser and one of the simplest ways you as a business can support our mission.

A word from Board President Sean Kelley on MSTCP.

How It Works

When your business donates to CHWA* through the Main Street Tax Credit Program, you will receive 75% of your donation back as a Washington State B&O tax credit.

Donate $4,000? You’ll get a $3,000 credit. This means you can redirect your tax dollars back into Coupeville — promoting and preserving a successful historic downtown.

Apply Now

1. Make your pledge at Click here for downloadable step-by-step instructions.

2. By November 1st, 2024, write a check to Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association.

3. On January 1st, 2025, 75% of your pledge comes back to you as a Tax Credit.


Email Jesse Levesque
Executive Director, Coupeville Historic Waterfront Association

Chase Johnson
Excise Tax Examiner, Department of Revenue

Talk to your CPA regarding the 25% of your pledge that does not come back as a tax credit. It may be tax deductible.

*CHWA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit; all donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.